| Report Generated

Average Wind Speed
meters / second
Capacity Factor
State Rank

Wind Turbine Estimated ProductionPotential energy a turbine could produce in a year. More

Wind Speed Annual HistoryCalculated wind speed average based on standard tower heights. Free site data limited to 10 years.More

Wind Speed Probability DensityWind speed distribution or how often the wind at the site is at a given wind speed. Actual results available for purchase, see below to request a detailed report.More

Prevailing Wind Direction: A preliminary analysis of the wind direction are provided along with the prevailing wind direction.More

Capacity FactorEstimated percent of possible energy a turbine could produce in a year at the site. Equivalent full time operation.More

Measurement Height RecordRecord of the measurement mast height used in wind calculations. More

Additional Data Available

Data Available
Higher Quality Data
Years Available
Data Freshness
Last Data Measurement

All analyses based on publicly available DWD data.

This is a preliminary report based on hourly data (data averaged every hour). We generate detailed reports on demand. This includes processing the industry standard ten-minute data from publicly available DWD data. The higher resolution data analysis provides more accurate estimates and is the measuring frequency used in industry.